Lunch at desk

Ladies It’s Time to Take a Lunch Break

Are you among those who eat their lunch at their work desk to save time? If you do, then it’s high time you stop this habit. Those of you who are looking for culinary satisfaction are in fact calling for health issues. There is no way of avoiding food when you are working 8 hours a day. Agreed you might be running against time to achieve your target, but having lunch in haste is a big no.

It is found that if you skip your lunch, you will end up being less productive. Moreover, you will you’re your competitive edge. Also, with the brain working at a slower pace, you will end up on the lower rungs of the ladder. Now this is not what you wanted to achieve, right? Also, no energy input makes you lethargic. There are reasons why you should eat lunch in a proper way and dear ladies eating well is your responsibility.

  • If you eat at your workstation, you will sit in a hunched position. This is not favorable as it does not improve digestion. It is necessary that we eat sitting straight.
  • In haste we forget to chew our food properly. Chewing releases the necessary nutrients. Swallowing chunks of food will aid bloating due to undigested food.
  • Avoid sitting in front of your computer while eating lunch. Researchers say that calorie consumption increases if we look at the computer screen and eat.
  • Sitting away and alone while eating lets you mull over your next step to achieve your target. As you eat, your brain fires up due to the energy it is receiving.
  • If you eat nutritious snacks like almonds in between your breakfast and lunch, you will be able to avoid sugary food in lunch.
  • Pass up drinking too much juice. A glass during breakfast is enough. During lunch stick to water and reduce calories.
  • Always drink water after you complete your lunch. Water intake before lunch break lowers the functioning of the digestive system.
  • While you are in a haste to complete your lunch, your body suffers as a result. Slowly eating lunch will give your body the time to release the CCK or cholecystokinin. This hormone sends signals to our brain that you have had your fill and are no longer hungry. But by eating too quickly, we won’t be able to register fullness and overeat.
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