Isolated tired young woman siting on spinning bicycle

Do You Know The Harmful Effects Of Over Exercising?

Nowadays the public in general has become very much aware of the importance of good health and fitness. So, most of them are on one or the other fitness regime, which is good. The Primary focus of exercise should be good health, followed by fitness and then performance.

But some people in their zeal and enthusiasm to achieve optimum fitness and look good, try to jump to the third stage in a short period of time which results in over training.

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Let’s look into the scientific aspect of how over training or over exercising can affect an individual:

  • Overtraining often occurs during periods of intense overload, where in people start exercising at higher intensities, without proper monitoring/guidance, in which signs and symptoms are individualized and include a combination of both physiological and emotional factors.
  • Some signs and symptoms include:
    • A decline in physical performance with continued training
    • Elevated heart rate and blood lactate levels at a fixed sub-maximal work rate.
    • Soreness, tiredness, pain for extended periods and recovery takes place only after prolonged rest and cessation of physical activity.
    • Weight loss (which includes muscle and water loss along with fat loss)
    • Sleep disturbance.
    • Multiple colds or sore throat (due to a drop in immunity).
    • Irritability, restlessness, excitability, and/or anxiousness.
    • Rhabdomylosis – Too much of weight training can result in this condition of severe muscle fatigue and pain, trembling, inability to stand (that occurs when muscle fibers release myoglobin in the blood stream, worst case scenario-kidney damage).
    • DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is the first sign that a person has done “too much too soon”, DOMS is caused by tissue injury from excessive mechanical force, particularly eccentric force, exerted on muscle and connective tissue and then the related biochemical changes. Generally appears 24–48 hours after strenuous exercise. Presenting as severe muscular pain & rigidity, inability to move the affected parts because of pain and soreness. Attempt to reduce DOMS by starting at a low intensity and progressing slowly through the first few weeks while minimizing eccentric actions (towards gravity).
    • Loss of motivation and vigor.
    • Lack of mental concentration and focus.
    • Lack of appreciation for things that are normally enjoyable.
  • The best way to prevent overtraining is periodization. Where in you begin your exercise regime by starting at a low intensity and progressing slowly over the period with a planned exercise program, which include fitness testing & evaluation, under expert guidance.
  • If you are in the “Overtraining Zone”, then adequate rest is the best treatment, along with proper nutrition, to recover and come back on track, before you resume normal exercise activity.
  • In case of any shoulder traumas during exercises shoulder braces can be use It supports injured muscles enabling it to rest and heal quickly.

Eat Healthy…Stay Healthy!

Be Active….ProActive!

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