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Onward Journey To A Lifetime Wellness

Today, it is most important to be physically fit and healthy, but wellness must be a part of it. The level and facets are many. One has to consider each of these separately and adopt them to achieve a state of wellness till the last day of life.

To begin with, understand what disturbs the wellness.

The reasons can be the body strain, disturbed emotions and the consumption of intoxicants like hard drinks, tobacco and drugs. Financial insecurity and strain in the workplace can also disturb the state of well being.

The steps towards the excellence of wellbeing in life:

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Try to relax after a long day. A person usually tries to spend an evening out partying or watching late night movies. If this is an occasional outing, then it does not harm the health. If on the other hand, it is continued then the person’s health will be affected. So find other ways to relax.

Seven to eight Hours of rest

After a long day, seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary. Lack of sleep can hamper the next day’s routine. It may also cause acidity and other ailments.

Stay Hydrated

Since a human structure contains a lot of water, it is necessary to consume a lot of H2o throughout the day. Drink filtered and unpolluted water.

Deep breathing

Try to breathe deeply and take in a lot of oxygen. Doing the breathing exercises daily will help a person remain healthy.

diet and workout

Healthy diet and proper workouts

Besides eating healthy and nourishing food, it is equally important to follow a regular exercise pattern. Half an hour’s walk is essential.

Change of attitude

Changes in life are bound to happen. At times, accepting them becomes difficult. Expecting others to change may not be possible. So, to be happy one should try and change one’s attitude and accept everyday as it comes. Go out and make new friends, join a club or do something that you always wanted to do.

Besides these, for your mental well being practice meditation, be connected with the Divine, be grateful for all the goodness showered on you. Be happy and cheerful. Develop a sense of humor. This will help you bear your responsibilities with a smile.

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