Who Leads A Better Life – Housewife Or Working Woman?
housewife vs working woman

Household chores or job work load? Functions at home or meetings at office? Aagnyakaari bahu or malicious daughter-in-law?
There is always a tug of war between these two categories of females. One becomes a sanskaari bahu and the other becomes a selfish and self-centered bahu.

Freelance Journalist
If A Man Makes These Promises, Marry Him
man promises

I have always been against marriages. You might be thinking what kind of a moron am I who doesn’t believe in such a sacred bond that’s made in heaven. The fact is that I am not against the sacred bond or togetherness for eternity with your special one but the thing that irritates me is the biasness towards one party when it comes to Indian marriage. Most importantly, the biasness is often towards the bride and her family.

Guest Writer, Women Planet
11 Tips For In-Laws To Strengthen Your Relation With Your New Daughter-In-Law
mother in law and daughter in law

Much is written about relationship with in-laws and advice is doled out by the dozen to the new brides about the dos and dont’s of being in a new space. How about exploring the other side of the equation for a change?

How To Deal With Your Mother-In-Law After Your Marriage?
saas bahu hugging

Once you are married there are a lot of different things and people that you will be confronting. And among all those things and people, a “mother-in-law” is something undeniable. After all, you don’t just marry your love, but his entire ‘Khandaan’. Given tags such as a Monster in-law or the ever so sugar coated in-law, by filmmakers and serials, the character of a mother-in-law in real life is surely different than that pictured.

Sub Editor, Women Planet
How to Continue your Relation After an Affair?
relationship after an affair

When two people get closer, difference of opinions, arguments are bound to arise making both partners learn the art of compromising or restarting afresh. In a personal relationship, it is the affection and love for the other person that brings two individuals closer.

Guest Contributor
10 Things Women Want From Her Man
what women want

Are women complicated? Well, if you are ardent to know your answer instantly, ask her what her favorite color is… and you will get more than one answer. Something like, ‘Oh I love black during parties…but otherwise my favorite color is peach and also white and wait…also pink.’ That’s it. You know your answer.

Sub Editor, Women Planet
Gratitude – The Key To Overall Happiness
From the Expert

We are living in an era where we have so many luxuries around us but still nothing enough to be thankful for. Humans as their inbuilt nature will crib for the things they do not have but will never be thankful enough for the things they do have. We forget that developing an Attitude of Gratitude will only attract more Happiness in our lives.

Life Coach, Life Skill Trainer
Life From A Single Mother’s Lens!
Single Mother Feature
From the Expert

The disparaging attitude and the resultant prejudice against single moms and their kids, makes a difficult situation all the more difficult for those in the situation. I do agree that this is not the first time in history nor it is the first incident when a single mom and her child, gets a bad repo.

Restaurateur, Entrepreneur, Educationist and Cooking Enthusiast
What’s The Allure About Your First Love?
first love
From the Expert

Thinking of the first love is a sweet nostalgic memory of a time when you experienced the joy and euphoria of love for the very first time. I don’t think it has too much to do with the person as it does with how we felt during that time. Similar to reconnecting with Childhood friends, it brings a bitter sweet sensation that is undeniably attractive. It was a time when we were in love with the idea of being in love and being loved for who we were, accepted as we were and not much can be more alluring than that.

Life Coach, Author
7 Memorable Moments from a Girl’s Diary

Every girl dreams about some things in her life. She aspires and waits for a few special moments her entire life. She might not really get the perfect moments, but they sure do mean a lot to her.

Journalist at Women Planet
Few Things That Need To Stop In An Indian Wedding
wedding pheras

Even during modern days we become “ultra-traditional” when it comes to wedding rituals to be followed. Apathy is we don’t even know reasons behind it. Here are few of them which we should stop following.

Guest Author
A Humble Message to Men and Women Regarding Marriage

The wedding season is on and I see a lot of folks getting ready for their big day. Marriage is often considered to be the sacred bond that unites two individuals to live the rest of their life together, sharing all the precious moments that life throws at them both, good or bad.

Guest Writer, Women Planet
8 Successful Ways To Boost Your Relationships

The year 2014 is gone and so have the bad experiences and relations. As we now step into the New Year, 2015, lets make a small effort in strengthening all our relations, may it be with your darling mother, dictating father, the always fussy sibling or your partner. Its time we make a small effort in making our bonds stronger and cherish their sweetness for an eternity.

Founder & Editor, Women Planet
5 Easy Time Management Tips For Mrs. Homemaker
woman managing time
From the Expert

For a homemaker, life is never simple. You are not just a housewife, but the person who is responsible for the health and lifestyle of your family. Here are tips to help stay organized.

Life Coach, Life Skill Trainer
Secrets Of A Lasting Marriage!

Love, trust, harmony and openness, its all there in a fresh marriage! But to maintain the spice and fun in it, here are some essential points you can follow for making your marriage last a lifetime.

Founder & Editor, Women Planet
Tips To Relax… Think… And Enjoy Motherhood
Enjoying Motherhood

A mother, relaxed and tension free! These expressions like relaxed and tension free, never work hand in hand with a mother. Burdened with the responsibility of shaping the life of her child, keeping the family united and healthy, Life of a mother can never be stress free. But, to enjoy the responsibility and make the best of it, only lies in a woman’s hand.

Sub Editor, Women Planet
Is Your Best Guy Friend Hitting on You?
guy watching girl

Friends For Life! Ok, so you two have been goofing around, spending the best moments together with each other, caring for each other, partying hard and enjoying life as best friends. But suddenly you find your bestie simply insists on spending much more time together, the alone time with you. He confuses you with his

Sub Editor, Women Planet
Can Traveling Help Improve Your Relationships?
couple travelling

Relation-ship! Bonded by emotions, love and promises, a relation-ship is all about two people, two lovers and two partners. But, after a few years, the love or the trust in the relation simply ships away, leaving behind a void space. If not refreshed at the right time, this gap may begin the downfall of the most cherished relation you ever had. Traveling is considered as one of the simplest ways of refreshing the lost charm or the lost love in any relation.

Founder & Editor, Women Planet